jueves, 13 de junio de 2019


Good afternoon lawyer thank you very much for allowing me to do this interview

SUSI:  Do you love your job?
VANE: Of course I'm passionate about it it's a unique job
SUSI: What is your job about?
VANE:Make citizens aware of their rights and enforce them
SUSI: What do you like about your job?
VANE: That I defend defenseless people whodo not know their rights
SUSI: What skills does this profession require?
VANE: Much respect for society in addition to commitment, equality, solidarity and responsibility
SUSI: What are the pros and cans of your profession?
VANE: The pros that help people who need it to satisfy themselves because the truth triumphs  and the against becaus you win enemies.
SUSI: How is the demand for this profession in our environment today?
VANE: In Mexico there are almost one hundred thirty two thousand lawyers, fifty eight point two are men and forty one point eight are women.
SUSI: currently where do you practice?
VANE: In my own Andrade law firm located In Mexico city.
SUSI: Do you recommend your profession to someone else?
VANE: Of curse, if I recommend, it is a satisfaction for the nation to be able to help.
SUSI: What recommendations would you give to someone who storts the race?
VANE: There will be setbacks within it but we must not forget the objective of carrying out justice.
SUSI: how many years of experience?
VANE: Almost fitin years of promoting justice and respect
SUSI: Because do you like to advocate for others?
VANE: because there are people who do not know their rights and there is a lot of injustice
SUSI: What do you benefits abtoin your career?
VANE: Apart from the economic benefit, the knowing that obtain I help people who need it. 

How I look in twenty-five years

How I look in twenty-five years
How I look in twenty-five years My name is Vanessa. I see myself at twenty-five years of age. My profession that I like, I want to defend the people who need my help, to do justice to their rights. It would also help about pollution, marine species are the ones that affect them most and I would like to do that to help my planet or, so that everyone has an ecological life and at the same time a healthy nature.

miércoles, 12 de junio de 2019

                     Likes and dis likes

I like playing video games
I like training king boxing
I like listening to music pop
I enjoy watching cartoons tv programs
I like sleping
I like watching series coreanas
I like pronouncing word of strap
I like playing soccer
I like playing with my cat

I don´t like swimming
I don´t like dancing in a party
I don´t like cooking
I don´t like leaving a party
I don´t like drinking alcohol

sábado, 8 de junio de 2019

My paper world

Another day the same, because we always have to do the same, I wonder so much, we all have one thing in common "sleeping" I do not understand why we sleep or because at night the only thing I know is that all people do is sleep.
It's boring to go to school every day but that's the way it is, but what I like about going to school is that I can see my friends and my friends is something nice because I can live with them I'm a girl normal call me yesi I would like to have an adventure, it would be my great emotion or dream.
I like to go on public transport because I like to see the view of the sun as it comes out I love it but this sun is very strange because its color was deep red but other people did not see it only what matters is to see their phones it is what angers me most to see how people just want to reach their destination and already.

When I arrived at school, I told my friends what had happened and they told me that
it would be normal but I did not believe them and I started to investigate natural phenomena but nothing came of what
had happened. rare but good that more than I can do the classes finished but I still had not
forgotten what happened, my mom happened to bring me from school on the way I wonder how my
day was and I told her that as I do not tell her every day because I thought it was something
unimportant. I came home to change and I went outside to see the sky but it was strange the
color of the clouds, the brightness of the sun, it was not the same sky that looks every day
that I thought but it was surely my imagination as always.
At night I went out to see how the stars looked, it was weird because they looked
like Christmas lights, it's funny, but that's how it looked like, you ask me, will you
believe me? If I tell them or they will tell me, you are crazy, rejoice. Apparently for others
it was normal but for me it was my dream come true I was finally going to have my "adventure"
I would have to look for evidence of everything that was happening.I loved that idea but I have
to ask myself, if only two strange things have happened, the sun and the stars that are going
to spend the most time, look at the sky and do not know that the moon looked like a focus of
those that we put at home every day next I went for a walk alone to answer my questions look at
the sky and I saw that a piece of heaven fell it sounds strange but it was the reality I went
straight to where the piece fell and I noticed that it was a paper if a common paper surprised
me a lot because I saw a silhouette in heaven where that piece had fallen and I only saw how a
blue paper was stuck Shout, it will be "my paper world" where weird things happened of all kinds
and I knew I had to be there and to find out if all this will be true or false.

viernes, 7 de junio de 2019

La importancia de TICS

La importancia de tic en las actividades cotidianas 
Las TIC tiene una gran importancia para mi ya que en mi vida lo utilizo diario yo lo ocupo para comunicarme  con los demás, también me  es  útil  en TV   es para estar informada de lo que pasa en la sociedad, también tiene mas beneficios.  Pero ala vez puede ser malo para  los adolescentes por ejemplo el Internet nos ayuda y nos facilita en  trabajo de investigar, siempre y cuando lo sepamos utilizar, tratando de evitar vídeos e información pornográfica ya que estos vídeos puede afectar a los niños y a los adolescentes emocionalmente y puede ovacionar algún trastorno, por eso tiene ventajas y desventajas.

miércoles, 5 de junio de 2019

conclusión sobre la crónica y diferencias con la noticia y reportaje


la crónica es una narración que presenta sus eventos de forma cronológica en que se ocurren , se considera que una crónica relata y transmite los acontecimientos del modo secuencial con el objetivo de introducir y transmitir al lector los hechos narrados.

la noticia  
Es un texto periodístico que informa de forma breve y concisa sobre algún hecho verdadero y actual.  Presenta paratexto verbal (epígrafe, copete, volanta, etc.)
No presenta opiniones del autor
Es la forma mas simple de del discurso periodístico.
 La crónica
Es  un texto periodístico que narra de manera mas detallada que la noticia un hecho de interés masivo.
Al igual que la noticia posee función informativa. 
Además de la trama narrativa, aparece la descriptiva y la conversacional  a través de voces de testigos, autoridades, etc.
El narrador incorpora comentarios y evaluaciones subjetivas que se reconocen por el uso de adjetivos (hechos espectacular), adverbios (lamentable mente, por desgracia).

El reportaje 
Son indignaciones  documentales planificadas
Tienes el propósito de informar, pero desde una perspectiva mas diferente que una noticia.
Son textos largos y abundantes en detalles

sábado, 1 de junio de 2019

Mi opinión respecto alas leyendas analizadas

Mi opinión acerca las leyendas leídas 
En mi opinión una leyenda es una narración oral que tienen por función explicar las tradiciones y costumbres de un pueblo determinado, la leyenda al igual que el mito incorpora elementos de ficción, propios de la tradición oral de un pueblo. las leyendas analizadas tienen  características iguales unas de esas pueden ser que,tiene una base histórica,esta relacionada con la comunidad que le da el origen, los personajes de las leyendas son arquetipos también se desarrolla en un lugar y tiempo definido.